Wishing Versus Wondering

Matt Konow and his grandson

Matt Konow and his grandson

If you are anything like me when I was a child, you spent time uttering phrases like, “I wish I had …” or “I wish I was …” My wishes usually had to do with attending sporting events, staying out past the streetlights coming on, and dreaming of ruling the infield at Yankee Stadium. As I got older and life added more responsibilities, my wishing started turning to wondering. 

I started wondering what college I would attend, what career I would succeed in, when I would get married and have family, where would we settle. I imagine you had a similar experience wondering what roads you would travel in life.

As God made His plans come to pass in my life and answered many of these wonderings, He has blessed me with career, family, and now two beautiful grandchildren. As my grandchildren grow, play, learn, and explore new things, I now wonder what plans God has for their lives. I know the world they are growing up in looks much different than the one we grew up in, and I wonder who or what will influence them. I hope I can have an influence in their lives, both now and after God calls me home. 

—Matt Konow

Do you hope to leave a lasting influence as well? Have you considered a will or estate plan? Are you left wondering how to even begin?

According to PlannedGiving.com, 68% of Americans do not have a will. Pause and think about that for a second: Close to 7 out of your 10 closest friends and family have nothing planned in the event of their passing or health event that leaves them incapacitated. Of that large demographic, many haven’t considered how exposed they are or what kind of legacy they would like to leave for their loved ones and the next generation. 

Are you part of that group?

We are ready to help you! Many people put off creating a will or estate plan simply because they have no idea where to start and that is understandable. Thanks to a generous grant made to our high school from the Lutheran Legacy Foundation and the Concordia Educational Foundation, we have contracted with SFC Estate Coaching to provide your starting point and alleviate the stress that comes from not knowing how easy the process can be. 

Our consultant, Craig Mellendorf, has spent nine years helping individuals and families through the process to prepare them to meet with an attorney. Clients who work with Craig feel prepared and focused about putting their plans and legacy wishes in place. These clients cut their number of appointments with their attorney in half and leave with such a sense of peace knowing their needs for this life, and their plans for when they are in the life to come, have been established. 

We are able to offer this service to you at zero cost! There is no requirement to name our high school in your estate, either. We just want what is best for you and your family. Don’t leave your family wondering what will happen when you are gone or worse, wishing you had taken advantage of this free service. Contact Jenny Grisez at (260) 483-1102, ext. 253 or jgrisez@clhscadets.com or Matthew Konow at mkonow@clhscadets.com today and let’s get started.