Your Kindness Has Made All the Difference


As we are well into the final quarter of 2023 with Thanksgiving and Christmas very close, I wanted to thank you for all of the impactful ways you have made a difference in the lives of our students through your contributions to our scholarship funds, special endowments and general endowments.

Over the course of this past academic year, over 300 of our students have received scholarship assistance. The financial aid these endowments provide make the “Concordia experience” a reality as our dedicated team of faculty and staff fill these young hearts and minds with the truth of Jesus Christ, the knowledge they need to succeed in whatever career our Lord leads them to, and the character to stand up for the Gospel. In a time where the darkness of the world grows, the light of our Savior shines brightly at our high school!

In addition to our scholarships, the family of special and general endowments has made a lasting impact on the students, staff, sustainability and spaces of our high school.

Thanks to you:

  • Our students have not only benefited from scholarships reducing their tuition, but they also receive support in the following areas: classroom supplies, band scholarships, support for our drama and fine arts programs, college scholarships and support for the Concordia Scholars program.
  • Our staff was blessed through gifts around the holidays, support for staffing positions and our annual Excellence in Teaching Award.
  • The long-term sustainability of our high school was increased as we paid off a record number of long-term loans.
  • The spaces at our high school were upgraded through the installation of a new bleachers system, multi-use carpet squares to protect our new floor in the main gym, the installation of new fire doors, and a new campus-wide PA system.

THANK YOU! The Lord is doing amazing things through your gifts, and His work continues here at our high school.

If you want to learn more about how you can create a lasting impact for our students, staff, sustainability and spaces here at CLHS, please reach out and please continue to pray for His ministry here at our high school.